Lens Guide
Lens Guide
Lens Features
Every pair of spectacles purchased at Sightonomy comes standard with a pair of multi-coated plastic lenses with these awesome features:
Anti-Reflective Coating
This coating significantly reduces the amount of reflections off the lenses and minimizes glare, which leads to clearer vision and lesser eye strain.
Super-Hydrophobic Coating
This oil and water-repellent coating prevents moisture from sticking to the lens surface, thus cutting down on smudges and making it easy to clean.
Scratch Resistance Treatment
The chemical treatment helps to toughen up the lens surface and reduce the amount of hairline scratches that will otherwise form on an uncoated plastic lens.
UV Protection
These lenses keep away at least 99% of the harmful UV rays from our eyes.
Lens Index
The lens index is an indication of how thin (or thick) the lenses will be. The lenses get thinner as the index goes higher (e.g. a pair of 1.74 lenses is thinner than a pair of 1.60). A thinner pair lenses not only looks better cosmetically, it also provides better vision by reducing distortion and also reduces the overall weight of your spectacles for a more comfortable fit.

1.56 Standard Index
Recommended for prescriptions between +3.00D to -2.00D
1.60 High Index
Recommended for prescriptions up to -4.00D. Suitable for half-rim frames
1.67 Super High Index
Recommended for prescriptions up to -6.00D Up to 20% thinner than 1.60 index lenses
1.74 Ultra High Index
Recommended for prescriptions above -6.00D. Up to 10% thinner than 1.67 index lenses
Lens Types
Every pair of spectacles comes standard with a pair of Standard Lenses, which includes all the awesome lens features like the anti-reflective coating, super hydrophobic coating, scratch resistance treatment and UV protection.
Blue Filtering
These lenses help to minimize the amount of blue light that is emitted from our digital devices from reaching our eyes.
These lenses change from clear to a darker tint when exposed to the sun. Besides protecting your eyes from glare and UV, photochromic lenses make a great choice for those with an active outdoors lifestyle and do not wish to carry around multiple pairs of spectacles.
Prescription Types
Single Vision
These lenses corrects for only one field of vision, either distance, intermediate or near.

Progressive lenses combines your distance and reading prescriptions seamlessly into one lens. They allow you to see near, far and everything in between, These lenses do not have the distinct line in the middle unlike the bifocal lenses in the past.

These lenses includes the single vision portion of the regular lenses and an additional area at the bottom of the lenses. This area provides a subtle boost which may alleviate some eye strain due to long hours of near work.

Occupational lenses are similar to progressive lenses and offer seamless vision between close-up reading and anything within arm's length. These lenses bridge the gap between reading glasses and progressive lenses.