Professional Eye
Health Screening


Professional Eye
Health Screening

Having clear vision does not mean that your eyes are healthy. Certain eye conditions do not present any noticeable symptoms until damage has already been done to the eyes, causing vision loss. 

Eye screening is essential for the detection of various eye conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma as early as possible. Early detection allows for preventative measures and treatment to ensure the best outcomes for your eye health and vision.


Eye Screening Services

Cataract Screening - $25

  • Visual Acuity
  • Automated Refraction
  • Tonometry
  • Slit Lamp Examination & Photography

General Eye Screening - $55

  • Visual Acuity
  • Colour Vision Test
  • Ocular Motility Assessment
  • Amsler Grid Test
  • Automated & Subjective Refraction
  • Tonometry
  • Slit Lamp Examination & Photography
  • Retinal Photography

We will go through our findings from the eye screening and provide recommendations, including a referral to an ophthalmologist for further evaluation and treatment if necessary.

- Eye screening services are strictly by appointment only.
- For contact lens wearers, please remove your lenses at least 30 minutes before your visit.
- Report is not included.

Book Appointment for Eye Screening

Understanding The Different Eye Tests


Visual Acuity

We will assess the clarity of your vision at both far and near distances. This will give us a broad view of how well you see. This will always be the first procedure for any eye screening or examination.

Automated Refraction

We will use a computerised instrument to measure the refractive power (a.k.a degree) of your eyes. This will give us an objective estimate of your degree and gives us an indication whether you are shortsighted, longsighted or if there is any astigmatism present.

Subjective Refraction

We will perform a manual subjective test of the refractive power of your eyes. We will determine if you are shortsighted or longsighted, as well as find out if any astigmatism is present. If you are 40 and over, we will also check if you require a presbyopic correction (a.k.a lao hua 老花)

Colour Vision Test

We will assess your colour vision to determine if you have any colour deficiencies. 

Ocular Motility Assessment

We will evaluate eye movements for any weakness, or other abnormalities in the extraocular muscles which results in uncontrolled eye movements such as squints.

Amsler Grid Test

We will screen for any abnormalities or distortion in your central vision.


We will check the eye pressure using an air puff tonometer as part of basic glaucoma screening.

Slit Lamp Examination & Photography

We will assess the anterior eye health to check for any cataracts, corneal diseases and other anterior abnormalities around your eyelids, eyelashes and conjunctiva using an advanced microscope. We will also assess the tear quality for any potential dry eye issues.

Retinal Photography

We will use an advanced digital retinal imaging device to take high-resolution photos of the back of your eye. We will evaluate the retina for any optic disc abnormalities, any signs of disease such as diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and retinal detachment.

Book Appointment for Eye Screening

FAQs About Eye Health Screening

How often should I get my eyes checked? 

We will recommend for a regular eye screening every 1-2 years.

How long will the eye screening take?

It will range from 20 - 40 minutes, depending on the complexity of each individual's eye condition.

Can the eye screening detect all kinds of eye diseases?

An eye screening can detect various common eye conditions but certain diseases may require more specific and advanced tests.

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